A Place to Stand is the documentary film directed by Daniel Glick and produced by Jimmy Santiago Baca, with Andres Salazar as an Associate Producer. The film follows the life of Baca, a renowned Chicano poet, as he revisits his troubled past and reflects on his journey towards healing and redemption through poetry and education. Throughout the film, Baca shares his personal struggles and reflects on the power of poetry to transform lives. The documentary also includes interviews with other writers, educators, and former prisoners who have been inspired by Baca's work. Overall, "A Place to Stand" is a powerful and inspiring story about the transformative power of education and the arts, and the importance of hope and perseverance in overcoming adversity. Visit aplacetostandmovie.com for more info about the project.
The trailer for "A Place to Stand" is a testament to the documentary experiences of Associate Producer Andres Salazar. For the project, Andres' helped organizing shoots, collaborating with a team, and contributing to the brainstorming of imagery and story direction. Andres contributed to the ambitious fundraising efforts to get the film made on various online crowdsourcing platforms where all of the goals were met. The trailer features some of the film's riveting subject matter, beautiful shots and previews some of the interviews and overall story.
The Story of the St. James Tearoom was a short documentary Andres directed, edited, shot and produced, while working at the local gem known for its full English afternoon Tea. This is the unlikely story of a dream establishment by owner Mary Alice in the deserts of New Mexico. Walking into the building, you feel transported back to an English countryside where you can partake in afternoon tea, and respite from everyday life.
A video promotion for The St. James Tearoom, promoting the highly anticipated menu being released in August of 2017, in honor of Jane Austen. The menu had various items named for characters in the popular novel "Pride and Prejudice" and appeals to The St. James Tearoom community.